AR500 Armor needed an updated version of an old Phoenix PD flyer created by a previous designer.

Grapher Designer and Product Photographer

1. Make two flyers that show the products clearly.
2. Flexible layout design for future edits or changes.
3. Needs to be easily readable and printable (black and white).
4. Provide some kind of texture element so it doesn't feel too sterile or corporate.
5. Produce higher quality images.
6. Find one typeface for the whole project.
1. Show consistency in the product images.
2. The pdf was flattened and uneditable in Photoshop, so everything had to be rebuilt in Illustrator.
1. Photograph the all of the carriers at the same time to match the lighting. When it came to the Grenadier carrier, I photographed it first without pouches and used it as a base layer for the pouches to sit on top of.

Then I added and stuffed the pouches to make them look full on the carrier, and later edited and added the pouches back on to my base carrier layer.

2. I chose Futura PT for the typeface and used the different weighs to help create contrast.
3. Locked in the top and bottom thirds of information along with the price to be in the same spot.
